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Preferred Shares in Squire MIC are only available through one of our licensed Exempt Market Dealers (EMD) or licensed Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) dealers. 
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing shares of Squire Mortgage Investment Corporation (Squire MIC).

1.  An Investor Relations representative will arrange a time to speak with you and will provide you with an Overview of Squire MIC.


2.  If you are interested in investing, we will refer you to a representative of one of our Selling Agents who will qualify you as an   investor; explain the investment process and complete the required documentation.


3.  The Selling Agent rep will provide you with:

  • Offering Memorandum

  • Relationship Disclosure Documentation

  • Privacy Policy

  • Subscription Agreement - including:

    • Risk Acknowledgement Form

    • DRIP Agreement

    • Payment Method

  • Conflict of interest/connected issuer disclosure (if applicable)


4.  The representative will answer any questions you may have after your review of the documentation.


5.  If you wish to proceed with an investment the Selling Agent rep will provide you the specific documents required to make an

     investment application.  These forms are required by securities regulators and are mandatory:

  • New Client Application Form (NCAF)

  • Permitted Suitability Waiver (if applicable)

  • Referral Disclosure (if applicable)

  • Client Directed Trade Instruction (if applicable)

  • Trustee Application forms (if investor is using registered funds)

  • Acknowledgement of documents received


6. Once the NCAF and all other applicable forms are complete and the Selling Agent's Chief Compliance Officer has approved the file, arrangements will be made for payment of the required funds to Squire MIC.


7.  You will begin receiving quarterly dividends on your investment.  

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